As I often do, I was searching on Google for inspiring stories of others who have chased down their passion in life and those who are currently on their journey of pursuing what they love most. While I was researching, I came across the title for an article written in 2010 by Joel Runyon, called “My Impossible List.” Out of curiosity I had to click on the article, and man I was happy that I did!
I have often heard the term “Bucket List” and I immediately think of a list someone who is older or dying creates as a dying testament of all the things they want to do before they kick the bucket. I also think of the 2007 Comedy starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman (two of my favorite actors).
I immediately thought, “An Impossible List is the same thing as a Bucket List”. As I continued to read, I started to see the difference between the two that made me immediately think about my own IMPOSSIBLE LIST.
What is an Impossible List?
I believe that often in life we settle and take the easiest path. We avoid things that seem difficult or impossible and we take the road of least resistance. Will Smith once said in an interview that thinking something is impossible is only putting a lid on our potential, and to be truly great we must believe that we can do the impossible. There have been so many things in life that have defined our world that were created or developed because someone had a vision that others thought was “impossible.”
As Joel Runyon stated, “I used to settle for the possible things in Life. The sure thing. It was realistic, safe, and boring as hell. I decided I needed a challenge.” The Impossible List is that challenge.
Everyone’s Impossible List should be unique and different. This list should include things that you personally have never tried or chased down because it seemed “impossible.” For one person an impossible item might be to bench press 300 lbs. There is probably somebody reading this saying, “300, I could do that 25 times as a warm-up”, but to someone else this might seem like an impossible task and something they never imagined they could do. So again, don’t create this list around Impossible ideas/tasks that have never, ever, been done. If you want you can include some of those, but instead this list should be things you have always wanted to do but you always took the easy road for some reason, often because they seemed Impossible or far-fetched.
I am going to make my Impossible List public. This puts even more pressure on me, but it is also going to give me the push I need to make some of these “Impossible” tasks possible. As I continue to mature and develop, this list should alter and grow. I believe that this list should be ever changing and evolving. As we accomplish one goal, we add another, or two. This should be a living and breathing document that we look at every day to motivate us and ensure us that we always remember that Nothing is Impossible.
So without further ado, I present to you MY IMPOSSIBLE LIST:
Create School of Ball and Sell it
Create Pathwayze and sell it
Create Story Box and sell it
Create Ace in 1 and sell it
Create World of Ball and run it forever
Put $500,000 in the bank.
Give $100,000 away to charity.
Create and sell a million dollar company.
Speak at a Fortune 50 Company
Publish a real physical book.
Start a successful blog:
1,000 Subscribers
10,000 Subscribers
25,000 Subscribers
50,000 Subscribers
Start a successful following on Instagram:
Write a book about depression/anxiety
Speak to Pro and College Teams about my story
Visit Every Continent (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa (except Antarctica).
Travel to all 50 states
Own a home on the Beach
Own a 2nd home in Chicago
Do A Cross Country Road Trip And Make a Film About It
Do A Cross country Road Trip and Write a book about it
Do a cross country Road trip and create a blog about it
Visit 10 countries ; 20 countries ; 40 countries ; 60 countries
Go to the airport and buy a ticket without knowing where I am going
Events To Attend:
Running of the Bulls
Mardi Gras
Attend 50 different Music Concerts/Festivals
Adrenaline Rushes
Go Skydiving
Go Bungee Jumping
Go Paragliding
Go Parasailing
Learn to Surf
Scuba diving.
Climb a Volcano
White Water Rafting
Hike Grand Canyon
Go Zorbing
Ride a Bull
Drive a Race Car
Run a 5k
Run a 10k
Run a Half Marathon
Play in Men’s League Again and win the League
Play in a tennis League
Shoot a 79 in Golf
Bike 20 miles
Bike 40 miles
Get a six-pack and do a photo shoot to celebrate
100 consecutive pushups
200 consecutive pushups
Be advanced in Yoga
Run Tough Mudder
Play racquetball with someone unique
Change 1 person’s life for the better every week
Learn to play guitar
Marry the Love of my life –KK
Buy KK a 10-carat diamond ring for our 30-year wedding anniversary
Be an Extra in a movie
Get something named after me
Re-open Malta High School
Renaissance Man/Miscellaneous
Create a video that goes viral
Create a viral following – like water challenge
As you read through my list, I hope I have spurred some internal conversations in your mind on what you would include in your own personal Impossible List. Sit down at the computer, write in a journal, or even write on a napkin and start to plot your Impossible List. Be ready for the adventures that will present themselves along your journey.
“The IMPOSSIBLE is often the untried,” – Jim Goodwin
Share and Inspire Others: Share Your Impossible List with us @SHARE YOUR STORY
Why Share:
- Hold yourself accountable
- Inspire and Motivate Others
- Learn from what others have shared and spark a potential “Impossible List” Item.
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