While I was on my Pursuit of Passion trip I had listened to an incredible book, suggested by an even more incredible person, thanks Jack. The book was “The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari!” In the book they explained the concept of a Dream Book. The Dream Book should be filled with your desires, objectives, and dreams in an effort to focus on the future and identify what you are doing today to reach those dreams. I loved this idea and decided that it was something I had to share with all of you.
How to build a Dream Journal:
- Purchase a notebook/journal that is used only for your Dream Journal activities.
- Divide your Dream Journal into separate sections for goals relating to the different areas of your life.
- physical
- financial
- social
- spiritual goals
- etc
- Fill your Dream Journal with all of your desires, objectives, and dreams in each category.
- You can also use pictures of the things you desire and images of people who have cultivated the abilities, talents, and qualities that you hope to emulate.
- Every day go into your Dream Journal and focus your mind and energy on what you have put in under each section.
- The last process and the one that I feel is the most relevant: Every day go into your Dream Journal and write down what you are doing today/NOW to help make these objectives, desires, dreams a reality.
MY DREAM Journal:
In an effort to be transparent, expose my dreams out into the universe, and to also put pressure on myself to make these happen, I will share with you what I have put into my Dream Journal.
- Health/Wellness:
- I want to weight 225 pounds and be less than 7 percent body fat
- This would put me into the same shape I was in when I was playing overseas and at my peak
- I want to be able to increase my flexibility.
- Think Jean-Claude Van Damme .
- Think Jean-Claude Van Damme .
- I want to start playing basketball in competitive leagues again.
- I am awful right now!
- I want to weight 225 pounds and be less than 7 percent body fat
I will continue to add to this, but I know that with each one of these goals I will have to stay dedicated to going to the gym, stretching, performing yoga, eating a more balanced diet, and starting to train with a basketball in my hands again.
- Financial Goals
- I want to create build out JT Enterprises.
- I have had several ideas in the past, but the time is now to make these a reality.
- I want to earn enough money to re-open Malta High School/School District
- They closed down our school district in 2001 due to lack of funds and low enrollment
- I want to earn enough money to travel to 4 countries a year (one per quarterly as a release and relaxation vacation).
- I want to create build out JT Enterprises.
Again each day I will have to document and keep myself honest about how I am driving towards these goals/dreams.
- Relationship Goals
- I want to rebuild relationships that I have neglected in the past (many of them that fell down during my depression).
- I want to become a better and more loving father.
- I want to stay in better contact with my family.
- I want to become the most loving, romantic, and present future husband.
- I want to continue to learn to love myself and always show up as my best self and return share my energy with the world.
- Spiritual Goals
- Build a closer relationship with God and stay connected to the universe.
- I want to continue to meditate a minimum of one time a day, preferably more than once.
- I want to continue to focus on living with Love in my heart and eliminate fear whenever possible.
- I want to continue studying A Course In Miracles, so that I can share it’s message via my businesses.
- Life Goals
- Read or Listen to one book every two weeks as an activity to become a life long learner.
- Once again, I LOVE AUDIBLE
- Do one thing daily to impact someone else’s life.
- Live in the Now and not in the past or the future.
- Shift the energy of the world and inspire billions of people.
- Read or Listen to one book every two weeks as an activity to become a life long learner.
My hope is that when I look at these goals I will be reminded of what I need to do TODAY/NOW to make my dreams a reality in the future.
Putting my goals, objectives, and dreams down into a Dream Journal and taking time each day to look at them will force me to focus on what I really want in life, what I need to do NOW to get there, and it will keep me honest about what I am doing to turn these into reality. I know that over time I will grow and most likely some of these goals/dreams, if not all of them will transcend into something more profound and meaningful.
Amazing Side Note: Kristina has also agreed to fill out her Dream Journal and every night before bed we will be sharing our dreams and what actions we took during the day to help make those dreams a reality. My hope is that we will challenge each other, hold each other accountable, connect our two separate dreams into one TEAM dream, and also continue to develop our deeply rooted love for one another through love, hope, and support.
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“Self-mastery and the consistent care of one’s mind, body, and soul are essential to finding one’s highest self and living the life of one’s dreams,” From the Monk Who Sold his Ferrari.
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