“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
I speak with a lot of people who feel stuck and are unsure of the next step to take in life. They don’t know what they want to do, they don’t know which direction in life to take, and they often are held back by the fear of the unknown.
How do we get unstuck? I have a strong belief that one way we can change our course in life is to take action and create new experiences. So much of our life can be broken down into segments of experiences that then define the next step or action we decide to take based on the results of that experience. We often have an experience, it elicits some emotion, and then we make decisions based on this emotion.
- I try something and I enjoy it! Let’s try that again.
- I try something and I hate it! I will never do that again.
- I go on a date with a girl and I have an amazing time. I will call her back for a second date.
- I go on a date and learn that she likes the Green Bay Packers! I throw her number in the trash! (My Chicago Bears trash can)!
While I believe that the above process can be extremely beneficial, I do believe that there is a way to improve on this process by creating new intentional experiences that drive even more value for our life.
2. Having to do with intention.
How to create a new intentional experience:
Make a list of 5 things you want to do/try.
I often ask my clients to make a list of 5 things they have always wanted to do, but they have not done, because of fear, an excuse, or lack of confidence. Sit down and spend some time thinking about some new experiences that you would like to have. Do you want to learn a skill? Do you want to travel
Let Go of Past Perceptions and Be Open To New Experiences:
Be Intentional Before and After The Experience.
Before the Experience:
- What are your past perceptions of this activity/event/etc.?
- Ok great, now take that perception and throw it in the trash.
- Clear your mind and be present in the moment. Throw away the past perceptions (above) and just make sure you show up as your best self.
- What has held you back from doing this in the past?
- Was it a fear? If so, throw it away. Fear is just an illusion that we have created in our mind.
- What are you hoping to learn from this experience?
After the Experience:
- How did it feel?
- Did you enjoy it? Why?
- Did you succeed or fail? Why?
- Do you want to try this again? Why or Why not?
- If you do want to do it again, what are you going to do to make the experience even more memorable/better/successful?
Whether you enjoy the experience or you hate it, every experience has a lesson to teach us. We can learn from our experiences and we can accelerate our growth by adding new intentional experiences to our journey. I often hear a lot of people say “What If this or that happens” (insert negative belief) and my response is usually “What if this or that happens” (Insert positive belief). My life shifted when I stopped talking myself out of new experiences because of what might happen and I started taking action, because of what could happen. Through all of my adventures I have learned that by saying “yes” to new experiences and being intentional about the process, there are so many gifts to be had.
Here are just a few amazing things that can come from creating more new intentional experiences:
- Learn more about who you are
- Develop new ideas
- Master new skills
- Shift your perception and beliefs
- Create some excitement in your life.
- Connect with new people
- Builds your character (through good and bad).
- Potentially add happiness and joy to your life.
- Increase your confidence by pushing yourself past your comfort zone
- Enjoy the wonders of the world and be in awe of this amazing world you live in
- Improve your overall energy
- Become a more well versed individual.
So my advice to you in this blog is to have more new intentional experiences, grow as a person, and continue to develop the amazing soul that is you!
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