Your miracle is on the other side of fear


We are all on a journey through life and via our journey we will encounter pain & happiness, failure & success, fear & love.   While reading this first sentence, if you find yourself identifying more with the pain, the failure, and the fear; then the idea for this blog can potentially create a shift that can massively impact the course of your journey.    Like everything in life, just reading and consuming knowledge won’t be enough.  For this blog to really impact, it will be up to you to do three things:


  1. Look inside yourself and gain clarity.
  2. Shift your perspective.
  3. Take action, often an action that is different from what you are doing in the present moment.


As I contemplated what to write in my blog this week, an intuition in my inner self was sparked when I read the following from A Course in Miracles, during my morning meditation.


Nothing is lost to you in all the universe. Nothing that God created has he failed to lay before you lovingly, as yours forever. And no thought within his mind is absent from your own.


As I read this, the wheels in my mind started turning and emotions were setting of fireworks in my soul.  I started to tell myself the truth.  The truth that everything that we want in this world is laid before us and is ours forever.  We have the ability to create the world that we want and live every day in a place full of miracles, hope, gratitude, and love. The sad reality is that for many of us this belief sounds more like a fairly tale.  In our “reality,” we might feel this hope for a moment, but it can quickly change with the actions of the world.  Events, circumstances, and relationships surface triggering fearful emotions that quickly pull us from what is rightfully ours in the present, our life miracle.


I believe that our miracle is always present.  It has been given to us to have since the day we were conceived into this world.  Through our journey in life, we are constantly blinded to what is right before our eyes, due to fear.


The fear of failure

The fear of the unknown

The fear of success

The fear of the past

The fear of “the what if.”

The fear of loss


The entire time we are frozen by this fear, the miracle is just waiting for us to receive.  It doesn’t go away.  It isn’t even created and manifested by our actions and thoughts.  It is simply always there.  God or the universe is just waiting for us to work through our own ego, our own issues, our own fear to finally shine light on what is right in front of us.


I believe this picture sums it all up:


Our fear is acting like the brick wall that is blinding our vision for our miracle.  When we break it down in this simple form, the answer seems logical and easy:

Remove the FEAR and see the MIRACLE


While the answer seems simple enough, I can assure you that the actions to make this happen are not.  It is not as simple as identify the fear, stop thinking about it, and then see the miracle.  Many of our fears are buried deep within.  Many of our fears have consumed our soul for years and years and removing them will take work.  Hard work.  Emotional work.  It will take actions: consistent and disciplined actions.


The Light at the end of the tunnel?  It can happen and oh is it worth it!


So to start this journey, I believe we need to build a consistent daily routine of the following:


1. Do some internal work, by gaining clarity around the fear.

What is the fear holding me back?

Why do I have this fear?

Where is this fear showing up?

What are the consequences in my life due to living in this fear?


2. Shift Your perspective:

How can I see this differently?

How can I see peace instead of this fear?

What is another way to look at this fear?

Can I find gratitude for the actions, instead of the fear?

What can I say to myself the next time this fear confronts my soul?


3. Take Action


Do something different than you have done in the past.  If your “comfortable actions,” are a result of fearful thinking, then often it will be the uncomfortable actions that will serve us is moving forward towards our miracle.

What actions can I take to live in Love instead of fear?

What actions can I take today to make my dreams come true?


Give this a go!  For the next 30 days, take a moment in the morning to follow this process to gain clarity, shift your perspective, and take an action to live the life that you are destined to live.









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