Use This Method to Get Present and Motivated to Manifest Your Dreams
Do you want to learn how to learn from the past, create a vision for the future, and live int he moment? If yes, keep reading this blog for a process that works.
When we think of time, we think of 3 moments:
In a course in miracles it talks about these three moments as either real or unreal.
THE PAST: this time is no longer real. You can’t touch it, change it, or impact it. It only lives in your mind as an illusion.
THE FUTURE: This time is not real as it has not happened yet. When your thoughts are in the future they are illusions in your mind: “what could happen? What might happen? What if? Hopefully this happens. This is going to happen.”
THE PRESENT: This is the only moment in time that is real. It is the moment right now where your actions will have a real impact on your life.
While the present moment is the only real moment that you have, I do believe that the past and the future play a vital role in creating motivation to take action with intention that serves your mission, passion, and purpose.
Lessons Learned x Vision = Intentional Action
The above formula is pure solid gold if you want to be present and take action to live your purpose in the future, while avoiding those pitfalls that have held you back in the past.
THE PAST: If when thinking about the past you only used these thoughts as celebration of your wins and anger/disappointed about your losses, you would be missing the beauty that the past provides your journey. The past is the opportunity to say “Did I win? Why did I win?” Now learn the lesson on why you won and take action to recreate that same process or level it up. It is also the opportunity to say “Did I Lose? Why did I lose?” Now take that lesson learned and take action to do something different next time. When you look at the past as a tool to learn, you win!
THE FUTURE: Being present and motivated in the present moment can be difficult. You have thousands of decisions that can impact your future. Often the decision that you need to take are not the comfortable and easy actions. This is where creating a vision of the future can play a vital role in you taking the intentional actions that ultimately serve your purpose. When you create a vision for future, it can create an immense amount of necessity and motivation to take action now to manifest what we want to happen.
THE PRESENT: We know that our thoughts create our actions and our actions create our future. When you create thoughts about lessons learned and thoughts that motivate and inspire, these thoughts create intentional actions. Ultimately it is these intentional actions that you take in the present, which will manifest into the future that you live.
Learn and grow from the past, create a vision to motivate for the future, and take intentional actions that will manifest the the life you dream of having.
So all of this sounds amazing, but how do you execute? Here is a process that I utilize, which helps me stay learn from the past, get motivated for the future, and take intentional actions that will manifest my dreams to reality.
Step 1: Reflect
In the evening take 5-10 minutes to work through your day and ask yourself the following questions to learn lessons from the past.
Example Questions:
- Where did you win today?
- Why did I win?
- How do I repeat this process?
- What can I do to take this to the next level?
- Where did I lose today?
- Why did I lose?
- What can I learn from this lose?
- What can I do to win next time?
There are two great methods to execute on reflection. You can either get a journal and physically write out the answers to these questions or you can sit in silence and ask yourself these questions and answer honestly.
Step 2: Create a vision for your future
Record an audio file of you descriptively living in the future you want to live. This can create a vision that provides motivation. Paint the picture of my future and go into detail. Make sure to make this story something that energizes, excites, and motivates you.
- What are you doing?
- What does it look like?
- What does it feel like?
- Who is in your life?
- Where are you living?
- Etc.
I have created a 10 minute audio file that walks me through a moment in my future life. I see the car I am driving, the work I am doing, the people in my life, the house I am living in, and the opportunities that are happening for me.
You can audio record this right on your phone and listen to this audio recording everyday, multiple times a day if you feel like you are losing motivation.
Step 3: Set the intention for the moment
In your calendar, block the time to spend 5 minutes before some activity or action, setting the intention for how you need to show up to win. 5 minutes before a meeting, 5 minutes before you are about to work on a presentation, 5 minutes before a phone call, etc.
- How do you want to show up?
- How do you want to speak?
- How do you want to feel?
- What actions do you need to take?
- Set some affirmations for why you achieve.
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