I am sitting in a Coffee Bean, sorry Starbucks, in Scottsdale and preparing to write a blog article about my 30 day challenge.   I start scrolling through the list of Character Traits that I identified in my 30 day challenge, read about my 3o day challenge here,


30 Character Traits  

Fearlessness, Compassion, Courage, Love, Forgiveness, Giving, Unselfishness, Kindness, Trusting, Appreciation, Self- discipline, Perseverance, Ambitious, Grateful, Creative\ Spiritual, Generous, Cultured, Optimistic, Romantic, Sociable, Humble, Adventurous, Hopeful, Confident, Positive, Loyal, Honest / Transparent, Open minded, & Dependable


and I decide that I am going to write an article depicting something or someone that I really appreciate in my life.  This list of people that I appreciate in my life could be turned into a Bible-sized book as I have been amazingly blessed to be surrounded by so many special individuals that have stood by my side through the great, the good, the bad, and even the ugly.  As I continue to go through my calendar of the previous week I quickly stop on Wednesday June 7th, when I visited Dr. Jason Kolber at Living Inline.   After my 3 months on the road, my body was in desperate need of physical and energy healing and Dr. J is the world’s greatest at aligning the body and the soul.


I had met Dr. Jason Kolber when I was 18-years old while battling my toughest life test yet, my bout with lymphoma.   Dr. J had tuned into the local radio station and heard a timid, optimistic, and scared young athlete discuss his diagnosis, treatment, and his aspirations of beating the cancer and playing basketball the very next year.  Without knowing me or having any ties to Arizona State University, he made several attempts to contact me as he knew that he could help me tremendously with my battle and recovery.  When I started seeing Dr. J, while I knew he was special, I never imagined that he would become one of my very best friends and the person that I trust to guide me through life’s crazy, but amazing, journey.   For almost 18 years Dr. J has been there for me when I have experienced my most amazing accomplishments and he has been there for me when I have had some of my darkest defeats.   Never with judgment, but always with love, hope, and wisdom.    When I succeeded he was my loudest cheerleader, and when I failed he was my saving grace.


As you can imagine it was an easy decision to write a blog article about my appreciation for Dr. J.   I open up my WordPress Post page and as I begin to type the first sentence, I hear my phone ringing in the background.


 I reach for my phone and whose name do I see come across the screen?


JK…..Dr. Jason Kolber.


I pick up the phone and before I can utter a word, Dr. J is rapping some flawless Tupac in my ear.  We spend the next 30 minutes sharing some of the most unique events that happened to us during the past week and collaborating on how we can provide assistance to each other in each area.   As we are about to end the call, Dr. J continues to impress with his lyrical rhythm as he drops bars from his favorite old school rappers.   After we hang up, or actually push the end call button, I start to reflect on some of the amazing ideas Dr. J shared with me during our conversation.   Ever time I get off the phone or leave a session with him, I feel this rush of energy and my soul is overflowing with self-belief in who I am, what I can achieve, and the journey I am currently taking.


I know that I had met Dr. J for a reason and since the first day I met him, I knew that he was placed in my life to carry a spiritual purpose. Our relationship has evolved and grown over the years and I started to think about some of the teachings Lady Lotus shared with me while I was on her table in Albuquerque, NM.


“We are all connected to one another and we have cords that connect us to everyone we cross paths with both emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  Some of these cords are stronger than others and some of them are arranged for a divine purpose.



Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two people’s subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and chi between the two. It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet. So when two people have been in an emotional relationship for a time there is a good chance that the two people have a cord.  Source: Alchemy Realm Website


While I am hopeful that this article expresses my appreciation for Dr. J and all that he has done in my life, it has taken on a bit of a different path.  Dr. J ringing my phone to talk at the exact moment that I was thinking about him and what he has done for me proves that we are all connected to each other in some way, shape, or form.   We can either choose to be a positive connection filled with love or we can choose to be a negative connection that drains others.  Our actions, even when we are not present, can have a direct impact on those people that we keep in our life circle.   I feel blessed that I have a deep connection with one of the most amazing people God has ever put on this earth.


I will end this blog post with two questions for each of you to ponder: 


1.To the people in your life, near and far, what energy are you delivering through your connection and your cord?



2. To the people you surround yourself with, what energy is being delivered through their connection to you?




Dr. Jason Kolber / AKA…… Dr. J  / AKA…The Real Dr. J

If you need some physical, emotional, or energy healing check out Dr. Jason Kolber’s healing practice, Living Inline, located in Ahwatukee, AZ.

Website: Living Inline Website



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