We all want to be rich……



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d93oGsPjQ_A[/embedyt]


but the reality is that we are already rich with the most beautiful and important type of currency, the universe’s currency of time.  No matter our race, religion, sex, or educational background the universe gives us all 24 hours in the day to spend how we please.  We ultimately have the free will to spend the currency how we please.


My question for you: “How are you spending this currency?”


We really have two choices on how we can spend our time currency:


1.We can spend it in a way that serves us.

2. We can spend it in a way that ultimately does not serve us.


it really is that simple.  We have the control to make the decision to spend our time in a way that will move us forward, bring us joy, spread love, give energy, gain energy, and follow our dreams.  On the flip side we also have the control to make the decision to spend our time on activities that really don’t add any value or substance to our life.


Here is the issue. While the universe can be the most gracious and giving SUPPORTER, it can just as quickly and easily cut us off and take away our time.  We often think that we can “do it later,” or “get to it another time,” and we believe that time is on our side…….



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge7FdUa2nwc[/embedyt]


…….but the reality is that we don’t know.  We don’t know when the Universe will stop paying us time. So understand that while we all get the same 24 hours in a day and we all have the control to spend it how we please, it is vital to be aware that there is no better time than the present.



Steps to spending your time on things that will serve you:


1. Identify and document: Your Why; Your Purpose; & Your Goals.

2. Ask your self the question:  “What activities bring me joy and happiness? ”

3. Rank your priorities:  What are the most important people, actions, activities, projects.

4. Identify distractions in your life:  Where are you wasting your time?



Once you have compiled 1-4 (above), go through and schedule your day with intent on how to maximize your 24 hours.


*What time will you go to bed and wake up? Schedule this.

*What routine or activities do you do in the morning?  Schedule this.

*What are your priorities for the day? Schedule these.

*What activities need to get done to help you reach your goals? Schedule these.

*What activities align to help you progress towards your why, your purpose, etc?  Schedule these.

*What activities bring you joy, happiness, peace?  Schedule these.

*What activities often distract you or pull you away from happiness, peace, goals, and purpose?  Figure out how to eliminate these and create some awareness for when these are creeping into your life.



We get 24 hours in a day, so spend wisely!




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